Twitter and Photojournalism


The thought of a person going to a scene of an event to take a picture for their news story seems to be coming to an end. Technology and social media platforms like Twitter simply bring everything to the table when it comes to posting pictures. You can find anything you want on social media now days and really do not need the human eye to capture a photo worthy to be put in the news anymore. In the aftermath of any major event, Twitter posts featuring photos and video of the event gather replies from journalists asking the poster’s permission to republish the image. Social media seems to be ahead of the photographers at this point in time.

Good or Bad…

For social media this is a good thing. More people will use these platforms to get information from Twitter in order to create their news stories. For people in the Public Relations field, this will benefit in their favor as well. Their companies will not have to hire outside photographers to capture good pictures for them anymore. This means more money they can use on other important aspects of the campaigns they work on for clients. The clients will be happier with how fast social media will speed up the time of their campaigns being finished as well. Practitioners are always looking for ways to allocate their time better and by using these platforms they can. Social media is the next big tool for practitioners to use instead of photographers who used to steal the show.


People in the field of photojournalism seem to be getting replaced by more useful apps. Practitioners studying public relations will be able to use social media in a more economical way when they create things for their clients. Social media platforms have started to to take over photojournalism and eventually will eliminate them as a whole.




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